11 June, 2007

Cotton Sandwich!

Yes, cotton! Have you ever tried to eat one? This special diet was given to one of our patients as a treatment trial to her condition.

You might wonder: for what? Well, she accidentally swallowed a pin. This sandwich was given to her to eat it for three days untill hopefully enveloping the pin in her gut avoiding injury to it.

Did it work? Yes, it did!

One in a Million

A young man was walking with his friends when he felt a sting sensation in his back just behind his neck, he put his hand where it hurt and it felt wet. Looked at it, and it was all bloody. Then at the same time he had difficulty in breathing and was rushed to the hospital.

On arrival, all help was done to stabilize his condition. An x-ray of his chest was taken to assess his difficulty in breathing.

What showed up in the chest x-ray amazed everyone.

A bullet was found at the left side of the chest, just barely missing the vital organs, such as the heart and the spinal cord by inches. All it did was puncturing his left lung and injuring it and it was managed on arrival by inserting a chest tube.

So where did the bullet come from? The patient and his friend didn’t hear a gunshot, and the entry wound of the bullet was parallel to the shoulder axis of his body, meaning the bullet came from above. All this could be explained by a “stray bullet” that was shot toward the sky from a distant and when landing it hit our patient, who is truly lucky to be alive.